
Denzel Washington

Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. was born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York.

He is the middle of three children of a beautician mother, Lennis, from Georgia, and a Pentecostal minister father, Denzel Washington, Sr., from Virginia.

Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. was born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York. He is the middle of three children of a beautician mother, Lennis, from Georgia, and a Pentecostal minister father, Denzel Washington, Sr., from Virginia. After graduating from high school, Denzel enrolled at Fordham University, intent on a career in journalism. However, he caught the acting bug while appearing in student drama productions and, upon graduation, he moved to San Francisco and enrolled at the American Conservatory Theater. He left A.C.T. after only one year to seek work as an actor. His first paid acting role was in a summer stock theater stage production in St. Mary's City, Maryland. The play was "Wings of the Morning", which is about the founding of the colony of Maryland (now the state of Maryland) and the early days of the Maryland colonial assembly (a legislative body). He played the part of a real historical character, Mathias Da Sousa, although much of the dialogue was created. Afterwards he began to pursue screen roles in earnest. With his acting versatility and powerful presence, he had no difficulty finding work in numerous television productions.

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Sed fringilla, mauris sed pharetra laoreet, lectus dolor imperdiet risus, sit amet suscipit velit velit vel dolor. Duis efficitur scelerisque ligula quis convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.


Nullam vestibulum, ipsum quis efficitur consectetur, elit elit bibendum nisi, ac consequat quam lectus nec ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis fermentum nibh a tellus aliquet, sed suscipit lorem faucibus. Nulla at nisi ullamcorper, tristique velit a, scelerisque quam.

  • Duis fermentum (2023)
  • Sed suscipit lorem (2021)
  • Vestibulum nec mi malesuada (2019)
  • Imperdiet risus (2008)
TV & Theatre

Etiam ac malesuada ante, quis auctor risus. Fusce faucibus pulvinar purus, vel consectetur tortor. Phasellus malesuada ipsum ut justo commodo, ut laoreet mauris venenatis. Integer dapibus justo eu mi cursus, id auctor nunc fringilla. Nam venenatis, justo non pharetra dapibus, est ex suscipit ipsum.

  1. 2023: Integer dapibus justo with Hollywood
  2. 2020: Id auctor nunc Terry Gilliam
  3. 1998: Pharetra orci velit
  4. 1996: Praesent venenatis
  5. 1995: Vestibulum ante (Oscar-nominated)
Sed fringilla, mauris sed pharetra laoreet, lectus dolor imperdiet risus, sit amet suscipit velit velit vel dolor. Duis efficitur scelerisque ligula quis convallis.
  • Talent Agency: Smith & Associates
  • Manager: Sarah Johnson
  • (555) 123-4567


6'1" (1.86 m)
135 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color