
Joanna Stevens

Joanna Gaines, née Joanna Stevens, American entrepreneur and decorator who founded (2003) with her husband, Chip Gaines, the lifestyle brand Magnolia, which includes home furnishings, a TV network, a magazine, and a real-estate company.

Joanna Stevens is the middle daughter of Nan Stevens, a Korean immigrant, and Jerry Stevens, born in the United States of Lebanese and German ancestry; the couple met when Jerry Stevens was stationed in Seoul while serving in the U.S. Army.

Joanna Stevens is the middle daughter of Nan Stevens, a Korean immigrant, and Jerry Stevens, born in the United States of Lebanese and German ancestry; the couple met when Jerry Stevens was stationed in Seoul while serving in the U.S. Army. He later worked for the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, and the family lived in several places before settling in Texas. During this time Joanna Stevens was often teased as the only Asian American in her school. However, in her junior year of high school—by which time the family was in Waco, Texas—she was named homecoming queen. Stevens studied communications at Baylor University, and during her senior year she had an internship on the TV show 48 Hours, anchored by Dan Rather, in New York City. In 2001 she graduated from Baylor, and that year she met Chip Gaines at her father’s auto shop in Waco. On one of their early dates, Gaines climbed a magnolia tree and gave her a blossom; that incident inspired their brand name. The couple married in 2003 and has five children.

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H4: Etiam ac malesuada ante, quis auctor risus. Fusce faucibus pulvinar purus, vel consectetur tortor

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H6: In sit amet turpis in mauris pharetra bibendum eu ut sapien. Donec pretium consequat orci, ut volutpat eros tincidunt sed

Sed fringilla, mauris sed pharetra laoreet, lectus dolor imperdiet risus, sit amet suscipit velit velit vel dolor. Duis efficitur scelerisque ligula quis convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent venenatis pharetra semper. Ut eget efficitur libero, vel blandit dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Phasellus malesuada ipsum ut justo commodo, ut laoreet mauris venenatis. Integer dapibus justo eu mi cursus, id auctor nunc fringilla. Nam venenatis, justo non pharetra dapibus!
  • Lead role in the off-Broadway play "The Unseen" (2018)
  • Supporting role in the independent film "In the Shadows" (2019)
  • Guest star in the television series "Law & Order: SVU" (2020)
  • Lead role in the feature film "The Last Chance" (2021)
Special Skills
  1. Singing (baritone)
  2. Guitar
  3. Stage combat
  4. Accents (British, Southern American, New York)

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5' 5" (1.65 m)
65 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color