
Julia Roberts

Julia Fiona Roberts never dreamed she would become the most popular actress in America.

She was born in Smyrna, Georgia, to Betty Lou (Bredemus) and Walter Grady Roberts, one-time actors and playwrights, and is of English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, and Swedish descent.

Julia Fiona Roberts never dreamed she would become the most popular actress in America. She was born in Smyrna, Georgia, to Betty Lou (Bredemus) and Walter Grady Roberts, one-time actors and playwrights, and is of English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, and Swedish descent. As a child, due to her love of animals, Julia originally wanted to be a veterinarian, but later studied journalism. When her brother, Eric Roberts, achieved some success in Hollywood, Julia decided to try acting. Her first break came in 1988 when she appeared in two youth-oriented movies Mystic Pizza (1988) and Satisfaction (1988).

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H3: Duis fermentum nibh a tellus aliquet, sed suscipit lorem faucibus

H4: Etiam ac malesuada ante, quis auctor risus. Fusce faucibus pulvinar purus, vel consectetur tortor

H5: Phasellus malesuada ipsum ut justo commodo, ut laoreet mauris venenatis
H6: In sit amet turpis in mauris pharetra bibendum eu ut sapien. Donec pretium consequat orci, ut volutpat eros tincidunt sed

Sed fringilla, mauris sed pharetra laoreet, lectus dolor imperdiet risus, sit amet suscipit velit velit vel dolor. Duis efficitur scelerisque ligula quis convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent venenatis pharetra semper. Ut eget efficitur libero, vel blandit dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Phasellus malesuada ipsum ut justo commodo, ut laoreet mauris venenatis. Integer dapibus justo eu mi cursus, id auctor nunc fringilla. Nam venenatis, justo non pharetra dapibus!
  • Lead role in the off-Broadway play "The Unseen" (2018)
  • Supporting role in the independent film "In the Shadows" (2019)
  • Guest star in the television series "Law & Order: SVU" (2020)
  • Lead role in the feature film "The Last Chance" (2021)
Special Skills
  1. Singing (baritone)
  2. Guitar
  3. Stage combat
  4. Accents (British, Southern American, New York)

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5ft 10inch
Eye Color
Hair Color
Salt and Pepper